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Getting Started with BooComicsFun

Learn how to set up and start using BooComicsFun in minutes


  • A modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge)
  • An internet connection
  • A BooComicsFun account (free to create)


BooComicsFun is a web-based platform, so there's no need to install any software. Simply visit to get started.

Creating Your Account

  1. Visit the signup page
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Choose a secure password
  4. Verify your email address
  5. Complete your profile (optional)

Basic Usage

Reading Comics

  1. Browse the comic library or use the search function
  2. Click on a comic to open it
  3. Use arrow keys or click/tap screen edges to navigate pages
  4. Use the bookmark button to save your progress

Managing Your Library

  • Create custom collections to organize your comics
  • Add comics to your reading list
  • Track your reading progress automatically
  • Rate and review comics you've read

Next Steps

Now that you're set up, check out our Features guide to learn about all the powerful features BooComicsFun has to offer.